All Episodes

Displaying 31 - 60 of 405 in total

Elements: For the sake of creation (Part 8)

Elements: For the sake of creation (Part 6)

This reflection includes a short mini-documentary on community member, Troy Clark. The video quality for some reason not great on the video through our website, so we ...

Elements: For the sake of creation (Part 4)

Elements: For the sake of creation (Part 3)

Elements: For the sake of creation

Can old dogs learn new tricks?

A Mothering God

Eastertide: Closing Reflection

Eastertide: "What things?"

Eastertide: Doubt Companions

Eastertide: Seeing in the Dark

Eastertide: Touching the Risen Christ

Easter Sunday

Palm Sunday

Lent: Wrestling with God

Lent: Remembering your Appointment

Lent: The Eight Afflicting Thoughts

Lent: Into Our Wilderness


Annual Gathering of Alongsiders


Water Baptism

Epiphany Sunday

Lectio Divina

Stay Awake to Love

Stay Awake to Joy

Stay Awake to Peace

Stay Awake to Hope

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